Watershed at the 2024 Festival of Genomics

Meet up with Watershed bioinformaticians at Booth #81 to learn about our solutions for complex -omics analyses and more.

Cytometry in the -Omics Era for All

We are excited to return to the Festival of Genomics & Biodata in our homebase of Boston! Meet up with Senior Bioinformatician Dr. Andrew Wight at Booth #81 to discuss the latest challenges and innovations in leveraging big biological data for drug discovery and life sciences research. Make sure to catch Dr. Wight’s talk “Cytometry in the -Omics Era for All” on the Biodata Stage on Wednesday, June 12th at 12:10 PM.

Learn more

Plus, ask us about our one-stop platform solution for researchers working with -omics and other complex datasets. Our platform offers tools for:

Leveraging public datasets like CPTAC, gnomAD, ClinVar, and many more
Integrating multi-omics datasets to investigate diseases from multiple angles
Running powerful machine learning programs like AlphaFold2 and Geneformer
Novel therapeutic target ID & drug design
Characterizing therapeutic impact of novel gene editing techniques

Want to request a 1-on-1 meeting? Get in touch with us ahead of the Festival by filling out the form below. See you in Boston!

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